I had this simular problem with Supreme Commander; you've got a really deep game, with many people who've been playing it since it conception (beta). Then come all the new player base, and when they collide, it's usually not pretty.
My first MP game of Sin, I hosted and wrote "noob only please". When the guy came in, I ask if he was a noob, he said yes, then "go go go". I had too many of that type with SC, and was ready from so much skirmish. Had a cap ship with 6 frigs when he rushed my homeworld with his cap, and the moument he saw I had a cap+, he quit the game. So sad.
I was hoping this game might spawn different types of players, but my second MP, the guy assured me he was a noob, but THEN, he kept calling my tactics/stratagies/build orders "Gay" when he saw them with his scouts (this is another topic entirely, but I SWEAR, if I hear ONE more person call another person "gay" cause they are learning to play a new game, I'm going to loose it. That term is so prepubesant as it is, let alone the racism/bigotry it implies). Anyway, how would he know if my tactics were "gay" if he was a noob too???
What I try to do when I start getting knowlegable about a game, is invite new players to play with me on their team with a 2v2 vs 2 humans or even 2 AI, then tell him to watch the replay. Even if he/we lose, they don't feel so crushed or hopeless, and they learn a lot usually too, especially when they compair what they did, to what you/I did.
My suggestion to those that are those types that play only to win, using mathmatical forumulas even Vulcans would find perplexing, and who verbally trounce any who do not conform to their "ulimate logic of play" is this: If your such an incredible player, then play a 2v2 with a noob on your team, and try to win. If you still win, then maybe you are actually a great player (and helped bring another person into the player base). If you do nothing but complain to your teammate the entire time, then maybe you can only win when the game is stacked exactly as preconceived as possible; something that never happens in actual war/battle, and the truly great "generals" overcome. . .