If you have any thoughts on what is a good game, i would love to hear it?
All the games i have played and loved in no particular order (as best i can remember) are as follows:
Speedball 2 Golf, Hybris and Centurion on the Amiga computer.
Total Anihilation.
Warcraft original versions.
Quake 1
Alpha Centauri
Unreal tournament
Civ2 3 and 4
Civ call to power 2 and 3
Lords of the realm2
Fallen haven 2
Galactic civilisations and dreadlords expansion
Freespace 2 and 3
Dungeonsiege 2
Rise of nations
Age of empires - all versions
X2 and 3
And just lately i have started playing Galactic assault and i love it so far!