It's past the exact middle of July, but I would assert that it is still mid-July and will remain so until after, say, the 20th. I really, really want the patch, too, but I'm not going to antagonize the developers....really, really, really....
Antagonize?? Dude I'm just hyping up the site and Impulse and their game... Antagonising would be if i said:
I've been playing SP in SOASE more and more and try MP once everytime I play, but the inet MP is so buggy that i first thought this is a crappy beta MP. But i didn'T say that. Because that would be being an ass.
They stated mid July and all I was doing is stating my opinion on when i thought mid July is. So no harm meant to any of the Devs; they did an awesome job on the 3d and 2d engine anims and everything else. Just the gameplay in MP needs to be brushed up, and the patch i hope will do that

(cause then SOASE would seriously be in my and probably alot of gamers' TOP 5 Space Strategy)
If the Beta holds up what it promises, from the MP side i think we'll all be playing SOASE MP alot more.