Hi everyone i'm kinda new to the game and was wondering just how many patches have been released for Sins. I've been doing some digging and found that prior to 1.05 there was 1.02, .03, etc... and found info that suggests there are patches as far as 1.09.
I was hoping someone could tell me where it all stops and how i can get any of this through impulse if at all as the only patch being detected through impulse is 1.05. My worry though is that 1.05 does not address the changes made to ironclad online made in the other patches and as such leading me to being incapable of playing Multiplayer online
Guess i have two questions. What patches have been released for Sins and which was the latest one, and do i need to acquire all of these patches in orderfor me to connect to ironclad or does 1.05 cover all of these issues (i have doubts about this, but asking anyway)?