From what I can tell after about WWII Naval tactics in the modern age have revolved around the carrier and air to sea assaults. So why are strike craft nerfed so much in Sins? I mean I like the honor harrington approach as much as the next guy(I know its not exact but go with it ). Strike craft should have the advantage of being able to do massive damage(bombers specifically). I mean 4 bombs took out a carrier in WWII at the battle of midway.(before they had damage control ) Im just saying, carriers seemed nerfed to me.
Sins is not a representation of modern naval combat. Sins is a SciFi space combat RTS that claims to have 4X features. It does not claim to represent modern naval combat.
For one thing, fighters and bombers in World War 2(and even now) had some things that ships didn't have:
-They could fight over the horizon.
-They travelled through air, not water(therefore much faster).
There is no horizon in space(unless your fighting near a star, a gas giant, or a black hole). There is only one medium, space itself. And the size difference between fighters/bombers and capital ships in Sins is much bigger. Plus, a group of 5-7 dive bombers could carry enough firepower to cripple a warship.
If you want to draw analogs, Advent & TEC fighters/bombers in Sins are more like WW2 motor gunboats, but with the size of a canoe relative to capital ships. Vasari fighter/bombers are again like German Schnellboot vessels(heavier gunboats), but again miniaturized. Basic Assault, Long-Range and Anti-Strikecraft frigates are like WW2 destroyers or destroyer-escorts, your "tin can" ships - basic cheap combatants armed with a few smallish cannons, flak guns or torpedoes. Heavy Cruisers are like WW2 heavy cruisers - powerful heavily armored ships with strong engines and big guns. Capital Ships are Yamato/Iowa/Bismarck level super-battleships. There are no planes or submarines in space.
And then there's the biggest difference of all - WW2 and modern navies are reality. Sins is fiction.
"GOD dammit I was JUST about to post that. But Izaroke wins a karma
"NO worries, I'm not shaking with geekfury or anything, just discussing it. BTW, Izaroke, this is a fabulous link. Fabulous"
Hey! I posted that link a long time ago in this thread. I never got a prize.