for ease of math i'll asume ships shoot once a secfor 100dmg
cap is at 75% migitation = 25dmg taken by the radience
as the ship shooting at the cap is (again for ease of math) only taking the dmg from vengence for now, making it's migitation 50%
vengence = 200% --> 200% of 25 is 50, it has 50% migitation = 25
every time it takes dmg malice will make 9 other ships take 30% of that 25--> 9x(25x0.3)= 64
for each 25dmg you do to the radience your fleet takes 89 dmg
and yes i know the math changes by fleet size but do your own math on that, it takes forever and i'm stoned right now 
Single ship does not take that. And shared damage does not count since it work against shared shield and armor recharge.
yes but youforget that the radience will max's it's migitation while the attackers won't and that the radience has an armor upgrade that is cheatinglygood, this is where the math starts to become very complicated and tbh i cba to do it all again (took me like 5days to do back in the day) but trust me it IS a good deal.
the math i original did may be wrong but idon't think so as i had it looked over by some math geeks 
remember that with dominas this can not be countered and that me fleet is shooting on you aswell