OK i got it working now. basicly if you want a ship to have levels it has to be built at the cap ship facility or the game yells at you " BAD MODDER..NO!" thats ok though i had kinda planned for that but that kind of rigidity in a strategy game these says....EPIC FAIL DEV's....EPIC FAIL. Anyways for all my loyal readers (all 2 of you) here is how it will look at least for the Legion.
Tactical Developement Platform - this is where all ships will be built 9 types in total. i had never planned on legion having all the ships because they are supposed to be an elite strike force it wouldnt really make sense. anyways its looking to be 4 caps 4 cruisers and 1 frig, the 1 frig being a recon vessel. first thing you will notice is colony ship is gone. if you want to colonize you have to build the Legion Command Ship (dont worry its pretty badass) this was done mostly for storyline as colony ships are for civil government not true asskickers. the command ship uses the new Legion Assualt ships instead of fighters. these strike craft has a bit more firepower and alot more health but there is only 1 to a squad (dont be greedy). Only suicidial enemies will ignore these craft as they can tear you up if you dont watch them.
ok and next we have the DAF or Drone assembly facility (i like acranyms) this is essentialy a defensive shipyard. Here you will contruct cut down versions of TEC ships. These ships have no crews therefore no abilites and also no self repair other then shield regen, they can also cant leave the system(still working on that) they will however be very fast to build and cheap with a very low supply need
Legion hangers and carriers can also build the new Legion Rain, an enchanced heavy bomber, these strike craft sacrifice manuverablity and thier ability to take on enemy fighters so they can carry new higher yield warheads ( they will take out ships)
The legion also has access to a modified version of the novalith cannon that works in system to destroy invading ships. It is overpowered but makes a nice bang. the higher yield cannon is more vunarable though then standard TEC defense guns
In addition all defense guns guns are getting modified for longer ranged higher fire rate but reduced damage. this should all balance out to be about the same but a better light show.