Hey I just downloaded the entrenchment beta 2.0 and the V1.13
Not sure if this should be in technical or beta but I am sure the problem is in beta 2.0
After 15-30 minutes of gameplay I get a minidump right and I connot find where it stashed the data so any help there would be nice; tell me where the minidump stashed its self and i'll send it your way stardock!
But thats not the real problem! After I Rebooted the system beacuse the 1.13 needed a reboot my game would CTD every time I tried to launch! Both Vinalla and Entrenchment sins CTDed I think the problem was the entrechment beacuse when I tried to un-install entrenchment I got the message "There is and error in the XML document (28,8)" and it would even let me uninstall! At least I can re-install vinalla sins so I will try that
It may also be beacuse the download for entrenchment finished first and I started playing it without the 1.13 which was still going, now that I think of it the mini-dump was almost exactly when the 1.13 finished I guess having the game running while the version of sins updates was not so smart.
Anyone else get this problem? I hear there are minidumps but nothing like this....
Any and all support appreaciated!
Solution from tiberius: In the "My Games" in Impulse, right-click the Entrenchment button and select "Verify Installation". A window should come up stating that Entrenchment is installed incorrectly, and that you should obtain an update. After you close the window, a 21 megabyte update becomes available that should fix the problem. Hope this helps!
If you need to uninstall: Manualy wipe entenchment and vinella sins by going into Mycomputer then go into C:/Program files/Stardock games and delete sins from there but if you use tiberius' solution it shouldn't come to that
Thanks to everyone who helped to find the solution!