One thing is to have your Strikecraft in Hold position where they fire continuously instead of making a pass every now and then.
Logically, if strikecraft give up their only advantage (super speed), they should get horribly owned by nearby frigates and especially capital ships with multiple weapon banks.
That comes across as contradictory.
I play only SP but I find having targets of priority is a good way to gain the upper-hand. Focus fire on the ships you need to eliminate.. ie. take out a couple of their carriers if you want to give your squadrons a boost, or hit their torpedo cruisers if you're defending a planet.
Also shift-right click the targets you want so you can queue your attacks. While your dealing damage, try to figure out which of your ships are being targeted and pull them back. This draws their ships further into your battle group and also breaks their formation. If you can, try pulling the most damaged ships out of the battle. Either they survive and live to fight another day, OR their attackers follow them far enough away from the battle that their out of commission for a few minutes.