1. You did not commit a logical fallacy, nor an ad hominem attack. An an hominem attack is an "attack against the man." In other words, if I say "carriers are OP" and you say "what do you know - you're just a newb!" then you commited an ad hominem attack (you attacked me personally by calling me a "newb" rather than addressing my point). You did not do this with your challenge. You are saying that carriers are not OP, and you are declaring that you are here to prove it against all comers with an actual demonstration. No logical fallacy there, and you are putting your balls on the chopping block to try to prove your point.
2. Your challange is a legitimate and respectable way to try to prove your point.
3. I think your challenge would be more meaningful if you played against other pros from your [DT] clique, not against "all comers." The simple fact is, a pro can beat a non-pro with his hands tied behind his back. Beating the crap out of non-pro carrier spammers will be a piece of cake for you. Pick some pros from your clique who are equally matched with you in skills, and run your test with them.
4. I know you did not like my "lame-o-test," but I was not screaming that carriers are OP, nor was I screaming for a nerf to them. In fact, I have been on record several times (various posts) as stating that I actually fear a nerf to carriers far more than just leaving them alone, because the history of nerfs is overnerfs. Also, nerfing tends to happen to simply just shut up "sqeaky wheels who need grease," rather than because the nerf is actually warranted. Thus games are screwed up in the process. Even if you did not like my tests or its results, go ahead and give me a few kudos anyway. In many respects I was simply trying to do what you are doing now - an actual real test instead of blabbing on about theory - and I put some of my credibility on the line to do it.
5. Please make sure to post your test results here. Also, don't forget to 1) record the games, even though the recordings will probably be screwed up, and 2) TAKE SCREENSHOTS (this goes for your teammates as well, and opponents too). I don't even think anyone would object if you paused the game for a few seconds every now and then just to rotate or zoom in and get a good screenshot of some action - they would know its for a good cause.