This is a mod to make the in-game pirates playable.
It is the Tri-Pirate mod, becouse it is three mods in one.
My Pirate mod
My Music mod
And Gurkov's sound mod
They will be a full civilization. Though not able to colonize, gather resources, or do much research, as that is not the pirate way!
Only essential research to maintain game play is included, and resources are gathered through raiding or smuggling.
These pirates are a single force, made up of what were individual pirate colonies. Welded together by the most infamous pirate in recent galactic history. John Skalavan.
John Skalavan was born on a pirate world, approximately thirty years before the fall of the Trade Order. He quickly joined the pirates. Unfortunately, after only a short year of service, he was involved in a major accident that ruined the left side of his body. Leaving most of his left side in metal prosthetics and bandages. To handle this extra equipment, his mind was enhanced by a small computer. Which he hacked into, and vastly improved. Giving him the ability to develop super advanced tactics and strategies. Allowing him to fulfill his destiny.
I have actually been working on this for some time. (Since sins 1.05) but because of a lack of help, numerous setbacks, and annoying Ironclad updates. It has never been finished. (But has come close on numerous occasions)
I will release a beta soon as I feel I have one that is releasable.

If you wish to help, I would appreciate it.
I need:
2D artists
UV mappers
And voice actors
If you wish to help, just tell me here, PM me, or go to my boards on the 7DS site http://sri-corp.com/Forum/index.php?board=33.0