Okay, wish me luck on this, guys. Here's the plan:
While I loved the Baldur's Gate games (especially BG2) and I followed DA:O very closely, I am not going to rush out and buy this game. The temptation is great--I've already read good reviews, and the game does not even have obnoxious DRM. However, I am going to wait about a year. As I figure it, that will be enough time for Bioware to do a proper expansion and bundle it--along with all of the DLC--into a "Game of the Year" edition. And that will be the version that I buy: lots of content, all patched up, discounted price.
As has already been said, EA/Bioware wants to draw you in with all of the DLC trickling out, hoping that you will buy it all individually. However, if you can just wait until they bundle it all togehter into the Gold or GotY edition, you'll get a great deal of content at a discount. They all do it this way--Oblivion, Fallout 3, Neverwinter Nights, the Sims 2, Dawn of War, etc.
Now, I'm not saying that I'll be able to resist the temptation to buy DA:O pretty shortly. But that's the plan. Wait until the Game of the Year edition.