, didn't want to make a new thread but... Flak/Anti fighter frigates... How many should you have per enemy fighter squad ?
Typically 1:1 is considered the golden number. Any more is unnecessary overkill, but you can get away with less (expect to take some casualties before the fighters go down, though). Keep in mind that bombers are very resistant to flak and you shouldn't expect flak alone to defeat them.
Secondly, flak does NOT have splash damage. It has four weapons that each face a different angle and can attack different targets. Clearly a swarm of strike craft flying overhead is an ideal scenario for them.
Oh, and as advent, what strategies can be employed to keep caps alive longer, having big late game battles is fun but I find it hard to keep my caps alive and often find it hard to judge when to take them out the battle via retreat to a near by GW
Use a Halcyon (or two or even three if needed) with telekinetic push to get rid of bomber threats. Use a Progenitor (or two if needed) with shield restore to keep their shields high. Use guardians with their defensive abilities. Remember that repulse can be used to make a guardian into a scapegoat, pushing back enemies while the rest of your fleet escapes. The guardian dies, but everyone else gets away.