Some Micro tips for Strikecraft:
#1. Fighters against enemy Flak:
Set your fighters to "Local Area Only" engagement range if your enemy is using bombers. This way your fighters are protecting your fleet from bomber attacks and drawing enemy flak frigates in to your fleets big guns in order to kill your fighters, and cant be picked off chasing a bomber accross the well or into their flaks. If your enemy is suing flak in conjunction with LRFs, set your fighters to "Hold Position" and Move them near the enemy LRFs (do not order them to attack, as it will make them fly around). The fighters will stay stationary and fire on priority targets (LRFS). The reason this works well is because the enemy flak will not be able to fire at the fighter with 100% of ther firepower, more like only 40% (Flak have 5 banks, 2 in the front, 1 on each side and 1 in the back, holding position will only allow them to fire from their front 2 banks.) ** WARNING: adjusting engagement range on strikcraft means you will have to move them manually, it may be a good idea to set them to a control group (ctrl+ a #) so you can quickly select them all and chage their behavior.
#2. Bombers:
If your opponent as an amount of fighters that can seriously threaten the integrity of your bomber squads (i'd say %50+ of your total bombers in fighters is dangerous), keep your bombers docked. It takes time to replace strikecraft, and your bombers are useless if they aren't in large numbers. Keep them safe and docked until your own fighters and flak thin out the enemy fighter squadrons. If you keep an eye on the enemy fleet composition info card (the one that says how many of each type of ship and their total shield and hull percentages) you can tell when it is safe to launch your bombers (usually when you see enemy fighter squads fall below 40%). Launch against a minimal amount of targets (structures, HCs and Caps are the best) and then dock them again once enemy fighter strength returns. Against enemy stationary starbases, use the "hold position" behavior and Move (not attack, as they will fly around if given an attack order) close to the starbase. They will fire on it (or sometimes on other nearby structures) as soon as their weapon cooldowns expire. This tactic is also useful against enemy cap ships that have engaged your fleet supported by flak, station your bombers as close to it as possible and they fire away, then issue them to attack once the Cap ship begins to retreat.
#3 Flak:
Flak are best used in the "attack local area" engagement range. This keeps them near your fleet, rather than running all over the gravity well chasing down fighters, running into enemy defenses and getting picked off by enemy ships. Using "hold position" would only be advised if you're using them to protect a starbase, otherwise it limits their firepower. The best possible scenario is a fighter trying to fly in circles around your flak (all flak banks can then fire), but one can often get a similar results by moving flak in circles. Flak are also very good at absorbing damage, when engaging an enemy fleet, you may want them on the front lines or engaging enemy ships point blank so they can soak up LRF splash damage and also fire all their banks on enemy ships and circling strikecraft.