On Feb. 23, 2009 Sins101 a player who was fed up with the gamebreaking glitches, bugs, and sync problems had some Lulz by spamming the game lobbies. He was given a too harsh punishment in opinion. So today one year ago from that lamentable occurence we remember Sins101.
he was a idiot and so are you
Uh, get over it? I seriously doubt there are many out there who actually care.
well his wang wasn't working so he felt the need to post this salute to someone who's brain is smaller then a germ but still bigger than his wang
Today's lesson:
Trolls are much like elephants.
No, I don't mean they're wrinkly, smell bad and produce vast quantities of crap (although these are all valid comparisons!) I mean they have a looooong memory.
Im still convinced SnoopDaggo is Sins101. For this reason right here.
Yup. Its ok though, Tell yourself whatever ya want
they banned him/ me for being an asshole
Good Riddance to bad rubbish, I say.
........ *sigh*
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