Yes, I know there are a million threads like this but I'll just go ahead.
I recently started playing sins again, but I've never been good at Real time strategy games. I know how to do everything, but I really struggle. I can beat an easy or normal no problem as Vasari, but never a hard. People post all the time that Vasari is mobility and micromanagment, and Vasari struggle mid game. But anyways me and a couple of my cousins like to play LAN sometimes and I usually suck 
I tried playing a game against a hard on a small map (probably far too small to fight a hard) with 2 asteroids, 2 ice planets a star and a pirate base, and the two terran planets. Yeah it was way too small. I ended up only controlling my home planet and an asteroid. I read up somewhere that phase missiles were a strong point on Vasari and they are, so I researched two levels into that and massed 15 assailants early game along with the space egg. My asteroid was colonized and I was ready to take the ice planet, but I jumped there to find a huge fleed of cobalts and capitals. I targeted the caps because the cobalts don't deal a heavy amount of damage right away. I killed the capital and pulled out to regroup and repair at my repair bay. They jumped right after me and I could only get up one missile platform before they arrived. My assailants hung back dishing out damage while they all fired at my cap. My cap was at like half shield half hull and it wasn't long before I was overwhelmed and lost it. I quick sent a migrator and built a star base while they slaughtered my assailants, but they destroyed it too and took the asteroid. By that time I had build up 30 assailants at home base and full upgraded my home starbase with full weapons and armor and the population upgrade. Whenever they attacked they would all fire at it while it would tear through their light frigates. But alas after 2 full fledged waves from both phase lanes the starbase fell and I lost my defenses. At that point their culture had overrun my planet to 4 allegiance so I lost it regardless.
Wow that was a long story lol.
But anyways, I know that there is no set in stone strategy because it is really circumstantial and dependant on your opponant's strategy, but can someone give me a starting strategy and certain researches and fleet combinations to aspire to? And methods of being very efficiant in the first 10 minutes? And methods of capturing planets and holding them better?
My one weakness that I know I have to work towards is my late game: if I survive and I have the upper hand I usually give up on economy almost unintentionally and stop pushing to colonize and research.
So that was a really long paragraph but if anyone reads it could you help? Oh and maybe recommend switching to a different civ based on my "strategy"