As I said before, I don't play this online because I don't have time. It's not just "scheduling bathroom breaks between games" that is the problem, unless you are a person who can afford to cut himself away from the world for 2+ hours. I can't. I have to make and receive important phonecalls, guests, fulfill my duties and attend appointments during the day; not just crapping. I'm not going to spend the night first waiting in a lobby, then launching the game and then get the game ruined by a dump or an afker. I am not going to waste every night in a week to maybe get one good game among them.
I had made this mistake years ago with WoW. I would decide that I want to go for a raid and that it should take about 2hrs. Then people started changing minds, afking, leaving, rejoining, killing our party and generally the whole enterprise stretched into 3+ hrs. I was pissed, late for whatever I planned to do on that day, my wife (then gf) was (rightfully) pissed off and when I finally finished the raid and grabbed that damn uber piece of gear, it felt like I actually wasted the day.
Nah, I prefer the SC2 way.
Find match, ~10s wait time, 10-25 minutes of an action packed game, gg; if I have the time then find match again, otherwise quit.