Hey, so. I thought id post some replays!
So, these First 2 are some standard games with some pro players. I get rofl stomped in one, where, after 50k of feed, the guy sends like 12 purge vessles to my hw. quite funny. The other, i believe is where i eco like a boss, and then get novaliths at the same time the enemy minidumps yay!
This next one is how NOT to play sins of a solar empire, is is basically me and a noob going against 3 decent players. Eventually, as you will see, the way to win any and all games of sins of a solar empire, is to sit your titan on the enemies stronghold, eating strikecraft exp until the enemy minidumps.
and This, was an EPIC game, as 2 of my teammates minnied out quite early in the match, but though the power of macro, pacts, and flack frigs, it turns out that the best way to counter rebel titans is to EAT IT IN THE FACE. Prolly the best game of the lot.
If anyone has a favorite shoutcaster who would like to shout for 1+ hours, and upload these to youtube, well, he will hate you forever, I will love you forever, and sins will get some advertising that we know ironclad wont do.
though out these recordings, you can see me fiddling with the new capital ship. not really recommended, but i do believe it is borderline feasible cap now, just not for the (bugged?) boarding parties. And, to some degree, you prolly should be watching the more pro players than me play.