I would like to get everyone's feedback on both camera options - attached and strafe-enabled mode. Click on the camera (or lock) button beside the menu button at the top center. Thanks!
I personally got thrown for a loop the way rotating works in strafe mode. I can't quite place my finger on what it is exactly that's wrong, though. It just feels...off. Like the rotating pivot point should be further away from the camera, so you actually rotate around something. The current method just gives me the impression that everything is spinning.
The zoom follows mouse pointer in strafe mode is...offsetting. I find some times it's incredibly handy, other times exactly the opposite. In the long run, I think there should be a key (control, alt, etc) you could hold down to toggle its behavior, as well as a way to set the default in your options.
I'd also second the option to reverse rotation.
I would really like to see a 'drag' mode to the camera. (say...middleclick) Basically, something that allows you to 'grab' the solar plane, and pull the camera closer to it. So you can move the camera in either direction, without having to move the mouse all the way to the edge of the screen. It also allows a bit more granular movement. I think this is a relatively common feature in some other RTS's, but let me know if you need a better description.
I would kill for a hybrid mode between strafe and follow cameras. Something where I can strafe around at will, find something I like, and double click it to go into follow mode. Then break free by scrolling via the edge of the window, or double clicking empty space. I think this is the overall way I'd want the camera to work.