I don't know if any of you guys are a fan of the mini's genera. Did anyone here ever play games workshops short lived Battlefleet Gothic.
That game was pretty fun.
Some of the stuff I liked from there.
1. Massive torpedoes
Were talking about ship killers that you had to move the ship out of the way from and could use to move other guys ships out of areas that you wanted to go into.
2. Boarding action
You could fire "boarding torpedoes" and basically take over a ship or failing at that sabotage large sections of it.
3. Ramming / Fire Ships
Some ships could ram it was pretty sweet some could also function like a big torpedo.... that was awesome.
4. The ships had sections you could knock out an engine ... that was pretty cool.
5. Ships could really blow up
As in they would implode and take down anyone who happened to be near them that was pretty awesome.
6. Some ships as i recall could use gravitic and solar wind effects