as a person who usually buys games off of adds, I have to note a few things you guys have to make sure you capitalize on as of beta 2.
1) "epicfleets", yes currently you can get a lot of ships in game at once, but with the whole point restriction it gets difficult to get really big groups going, so increasing that limit is a must (best would be a 1.5x or more, because even with 20 planets I max out at only 70 or so ships, with a LOT of terrain to cover, and that is with 6 (6 out of 20!!!) maxed volc planets)
2) "customize capital ships" yes I really like the way you can currently customize the ships, but theres always room for a little more (point allocation in armor/shield/damage/antimatter?) because if its going to be a cornerstone of your add, it needs to be at least somewhat extensive.
beyond that it looks amazing. 'grats to your design team.
as a side note: space anomalies, cant wait!