On Gallery page if you scroll down
to " Applications "
You have Windowblinds
Object Dock
Windows Media Player
Then you go on to Gadgets and widgets, logons and bootskins etc.
Why isn't the " RightClick " program listed under available applications ?
It seems that Library gets very little attention while its one of the best programs Stardock has but gets very little exposure. People that use the RightClick program will vouch that they cant ' get around ' without it.
RightClick is a program that has a 30 free trial and is for sale by Stardock.
The Objectbar2 library has a total of 8 skins in the library since October 2006 to August 2007
In ten months only 8 skins available for objectbar2....and is listed second in the applications.
RightClick has 124 skins available in just about the same time span but isn't even listed in the available Applications..
" RightClick " is part of the Object Desktop Package but sells for only $9.95 as a stand alone program...ObjectBar2 sells for $19.95.
Just thought I'd mention this...seems a shame that a good program gets very little exposure while other " items " get more than their fair share.