Thats a load of BS. If I have Swine Flu and am told i'll have a vaccine soon but, then Its never given do I not then have a right to complain and voice my frustration. Do I have to become a maker of Flu Vaccines before I can complain!!?? This mod has been in development for a long time and so far.... all that has been released to its many fans is a one ship installment.
One has to relize that the quest for perfection is futile. Nothing will ever be perfect. Release something and continue to work and patch it. That is the way it goes with all programs and with all mods. Everything has to be patched. If I build a house I will eventually have to make repairs and will wish to upgrade it with something I couldn't afford in the beginning.
man i was really looking forward to getting this mod but its gonna be a failure. Why you ask? Because you can't even release a genuine sample and its been in devolopment for at least 2 years and you dont even have one race done yet. The Stargate Races was a success, and as far as i know they had a much smaller team working on it with fairly ship models. Btw the way its impossible to stop anyone who wants to get the mod from getting it unless you never release, which is likey as you will DIE before you finish.
First off, comparing the mod that we are putting together in our free time to a flu vaccine that the government has told everyone will have access to no matter what is complete BS. This is a FREE, read the word, FREE, mod. You have no idea the work that goes into programing a mod, the time it takes to make a model, and to then texture that model. If we had more people, rather then just the 3 of us, then we could get the mod done that much faster. Right now, as it stands, there are 2 of us that are model makers, one of us that is a texture artist and our new member that you all know, JTAYLORPCS, is a code guru. Now being that he is the code guru, we can get everything we need coding wise done, then all we have to worry about it is the model making.... Which really takes time.
Now, to part 2 of my rant... Saying that our mod is going to fail is kind of pushing the envelope for me. Its your personal opinion that our mod is going to fail, and that SG Races is superior. Im not saying that our mod is going to be superior to SG Races, this is because I talk with DolyNick, I helped him with ideas, and he helped me with some as well. Now your rant about us dieing before we finish the mod... that is completely uncalled for. I suggest that you shut your mouth, if you dont want to follow the mod anymore, then dont. Nobody is twisting your arm making you wait for the mod.
Now for the final note on the ranting side...
Im not trying to make a PERFECT mod. Im trying to get it close to possible, with very very little bugs, but I will not hold the mod like a little greedy kid because it isnt completely perfect. I ammore then willing to release a mod with problems, but we need to get to that point in the first place, and all these people creating posts about how we are failing, and this and that doesnt help the matters. Oh and on the note of not letting certain people have it, Riser was making a joke, not being serious. Please learn the difference.
That is enough of my ranting, now to get to some good news and such.
How about we stop flamming and putting these guys down by decreeing that it's going to fail... we aren't able to see into the future and WE shouldn't be kicking them to the curb... so what if they are taking their time... I say take as much time as they need... just some people here are to pissy and whiney and don't want to wait... GET IN LINE KIDS AND FREAKING WAIT! geez... people can be so irritating sometimes since they are so impatient...
Thank you very much EternalRequiem for your post, it was very satisfying to see someone from the community, and not our mod team get involved in stomping these little brush fires out.
If you have been to our site, you will notice that I have posted certain things there that I havent here. This is because I like to have a small place to work, and updating to one site is easier then updating 3 or 4 sites. When I have something big to post, then I will be sure to post here. Please everyone, be patient, we are trying to get the mod out as fast as we can, but you have to realize that we need TIME to finish the mod.