First of all, thanks for this site. I like the new features.
I am having trouble with connecting to and sub-domains of users. Sometimes I succeed at once and sometimes I need to try again a lot of times. This is not happening just today, but it is doing that for a while now. It gives a 404. At first I thought you were working on the site, but I also tried it during your night. Same thing happens.
Another error that I encountered is with entering a long URL in the External URL field when entering a new article. In several other articles I was able to enter the URL, but this one (which is valid) produces an error 500 (Internal server error). Retry doesn't seem to work. I am testing it again now. If I succeed then I will delete this thread.
Edited: Yep. It is happening again. I was trying to add the following URL:
I am now trying a short one.
Edited: Adding a short URL seems to work.
Final update: Pat fixed both bugs! Yay!