Bailknight`s Graphic Mod for Entrenchment ver 1.02 Fixed 1
Fix TEC light frigate weapon travel speed issue. If you get previous version please re-download this.
Compatible ONLY with Sins Entrenchment ver 1.02 not original Sins
This mod Contain "Volumetric Explosions&Damage Effects ver. 1.13 " by ManSh00ter
Warning - This mod didn`t trough entensive test so may have some serious bugs. When you find some please inform me.
0. Fix
1. Fix TEC light frigate`s weapon travel speed (600 -> 6000)
1. How to install MOD
1. Update your Entrenchment ver to 1.02 first
2. Start Entrenchment
3. Go option -> mods -> show modpath to confirm your mods folder.
4. Quit Entrenchment
5. Put "bkg_Entrenchment_v1.02_1" folder into your Entrenchment mods folder.
ex) C:\Documents and Settings\youraccountnamemayhere\Local Settings\Application Data\Ironclad Games\Sins of a Solar Empire\Mods-Entrenchment v1.02\bkg_Entrenchment_v1.02_1 <- this folder should contain 6 folders(GameInfo, Mesh, Particle, PipelineEffect, TextureAnimations, Textures) and 6 manifest files(brush, entity, galaxy, playerPictures, playerThemes, skybox)
6. Start Entrenchment
7. Go option -> mods -> enable mod to activate mod.
8. enjoy mod.
2. Changes - Visual
1. Enhanced every weapon effects.
2. Enhanced and added most ability effects.
3 Add new mine explosion effect for each mines.
3. Enhanced some explosion effects and Implented with ManSh00ter`s Volumetric Explosions&Damage Effects ver. 1.13
4. Enhanced and optimized other various effects.
5. Heavy Crusiers length extended.
6. Phase Gate now stand up and rotate and bigger .
7. Weapon Jamming Module downsized.
8. Optimized TEC Fighter mesh.
9. Pirate Gauss defense`s weapon changed to autocannon (only visual)
3. Changes - Gameplay
1. None
2. Still if you remove GameInfo folder, You`ll lost every enhanced beam effect and ability effects.
4. Fixes from vanilla SOASE Entrenchment ver 1.02
1. Fix some improper weapon points.
2. Fix persistence passive effects disappearing when load saved game.
3. Fix Advent starbase`s Meteor planet ability didn`t work collectly at level 2 (Has 0 ranges).
5. Credit
1. Thanks to Stannum for his SOASE 3Dsmax importer and exporter tool ver 1.1
2. Thanks to ManSh00ter for his "Volumetric Explosions&Damage Effects ver. 1.13"
P.S. Send me PM or e-mail for notice If you want modify or redistribute this MOD.
For Sins ver 1.1 (Converted by Annatar)
(Notice- Pirate base replaced to desert planet in this video for better bombardment presentation. Not in release version)
DOWNLOAD :;12438797;/fileinfo.html