Hi everyone,
I have wondered for a while now whether or not the player stats i.e. games / wins / losses function is useful in its current state when playing ICO. There may be other threads to this effect, and if so, then I'm sorry for repeating it! I do however feel that it is an issue that could possibly be recosidered. My reasons for saying this are that it is easy to increase your win / loss ratio by simply setting yourself and another player or players or the AI as all on the same team and then starting the game. The game then recognizes this as a win a few seconds after starting. Perhaps there could be a function incorporated to force the presence of opponents in the game before allowing it to start?
A further issue I have noticed is that if your host crashes or you have to reload a saved game for any reason, your stats for the number of games played also increases. Now, I'm no developer so i may be proposing the impossible here, but would it be possible to somehow incorporate a function that recognizes an unintentional player drop from a deliberate (and dishonourable) quit? I know it will still be possible to reboot or disconnect yourself if you want to make it appear as if you were dropped, but hopefully most players won't go to those lengths.
To summarize: my main issue is the fact that the number of games played increases very fast if you have to reload a few times, yet you may only achieve 1 win / loss from one continued game e.g. reload same game 4 times but only win once. This gives the impression that you are a quitter even though you are not. Does anyone have any suggestions as to how this could be improved?
Otherwise the only alternative (to my mind) is to allocate a drop as a loss or to pay no attention to the stats at all as they don't seem representative as is. Just some thoughts...
Keep well!
SiALON.. i am DEFINATLY agreeing with you on this,
i've got the game ever since it was released and been playing online all that time
in the starting days.. leavers and crashes wre normal.. and happend more often then a win or a loss... in the end ive got about 80 games so far... about 15 wins and 15 losses
people acuse me of being a quiter, i even got booted from 4 games so far becuase someone was funny enough to say that he knew me and that i always quit (wtf???)
(im just glad i aint playing with that lier
but still annoying, i got myself a new name 2 avoid this.... even old people who were 2 sucky to accept defeat now annoy me with.. your a faggot u changed your name cuase i owned u.... (WTF again????)
either add a squelch option or remove the total game count (and quit = draw!!!!!)
"edit"after rereading some stuff about looking @ wins and losses. alot of people look at the wins and even losses 2 determine if he'll stay or not. i agree on this tough alot of players look at the total game count and count in wins (then add the strong players to their team and the bad players on team 2.... funn... see this in EVERY online game...)
i got my own system of losses and wins
if people annoy or act lamish in games.. i try 2 ignore it,,, if they continue i'll warn with leaving (depends on how games go)
even worse if a player wins from me and acts like a total fool "AHAHA NOOB I FUCKING OWNED URE ASS" ... (y alot of peopel respond this way) .. then OFCOURSE im going to quit.... i'm not giving away a win 4 people that just insulted me..... no matter how.. i will only surrender as apropriate if people act normal and acknowledge that its only a game
(so far i have 0 losses....... that sortoff determines the state on how many underaged peopel actualy play this game)