Okay... First off, I agree with the fact that the Egg is good, but I also believe the others have their uses.
Kortul: Good battleship which can counter anything you throw at it.
Power Surge: increases the DPS of this ship by about 80% for 30 seconds with another 10 seconds after that. It also regenerates health faster. This requires so little AM for what it does, I generally classify it as a demi-passive. This is quite good.
Jam Weapons: Deactivates SC in a very large radius. A couple Kortuls and just a few sentinels can negate any number of SC you throw at them.
Disruptive Strikes [Passive]: This ability is bugged. As it stands though, it is still good enough to prevent the enemy from using annoying things like Shield Regen and Shield Restore. If fixed, this would make it far harder for enemy support ships to heal their allies as they would have no AM to do it with.
Volatile Nanites: This is a mass Pinpoint Targeting. It increases damage done by 30% (very big boost in this game) and causes them to hurt each other upon death. Call me crazy, but that is pretty good.
Skirantra: Good healing ship which allows friendly SC to stay alive far longer than normal, making them more effective.
Repair Cloud: Awesome ability. It heals 300 hull to all ships in the radius, including SC. This is why most people get this ship.
Microphasing Aura: This greatly improves the survivability of SC. By making them dodge enemy fire, they don't die as quickly and it also allows them to deal more damage. This is good.
Scramble Bombers: This is crap, I'll agree with you there. I think it is a general consensus in the community that this needs to be reworked.
Replicate Forces: No its not the best one ever, but it is still helpful. I tend to use this on sentinels and overseers. If bombing a planet, it can help there as well.
Antorak: Hehehehe... Yeah.. Have to agree with you there. This is the crappiest capital in the game.
Phase Out Hull: Yeah... This is just a weird form of Ion Bolt. It does stop CB and MB though, so it is helpful to at least get one point in this...
Subversion: Yep, agree with you there. Since I tend to have factories on border worlds and those right behind them, this tends to have very little effect. I suppose it would be good at preventing an enemy from setting up an SB though... In that way it would help a lot...
Distort Gravity: Yeah, the ships use the same AI as before, only now they go fast so it screws up their movement... It is helpful in moving across vast distances, but then again, that is what you have Phase Gates for, so this doesn't really help that much unless going through enemy territory...
Stabilize Phase Space: This is actually pretty good. By activating this right before you fire your Kostura, you can send your fleet straight towards the enemy's homeworld. On the flip side, if attacking deep in enemy territory and the enemy suddenly shows up with a level 6+ Holy Trinity/multiple Marza's, you can evacuate quickly and save your eggs.
Vulkoras: This ship has the most powerful PM batteries in the game. Its something like 78 PM damage by level 6. At level 10, this is dealing more than a hundred DPS with PM's alone.
Phase Missile Swarm: Finally, someone who understands how this ability isn't good. The most important thing to note is that the PMS doesn't actually fire PM's. They are just normal missiles... If it fired actual phase missiles, it would be far better.
Siege Platform: Allows you to go deploy them while the rest of your fleet is getting shot at. When you have enough deployed, you can go back and start pummeling people yourself.
Assault Specialization: Turns this ship into a one-man wrecking crew. This thing allows you to deal far more damage to structures (and SB's unless I am mistaken) as well as planets. Very good passive for a planet bomber.
Disintegration: While this is no MB, this is still a good "Super-Beam" weapon. You heal yourself 50-75% of what you deal, making this a great way to take out enemy caps while keeping yourself alive. Did I mention it deals damage directly to the hull? Combine this with the PM's this ship already has, and this thing slaughters caps.
Well, there you go... While the Antorak is indeed worthless, the others do have their uses...
I just don't see why you think the Kortul is worthless? It is a great ship which can effectively counter fleets. I mean, one of these will make your fleet far more effective. When you combine the counters of the Kortul with Nano, you get a very good combo which is hard to kill.
The same applies to the Vulkoras. Against ships, it has tons of PM's and against planets/structures, it has abilities. I just don't see what your point is... In practice, Disintegration deals more direct damage than Cleansing Brilliance. Technically, they both deal 2000 raw damage, but Disintegration damages the hull directly, rather than worrying about shields and mitigation. That is what makes this good. Sure, you can't synergize it with other abilities or hit multiple ships with the beam, but you do gain regenerate health thanks to it.
The Skirantra is on the bubble for me. MPA is a good boost to SC and RC is a good thing to have as it vastly improves survivability of both fleet and SC. I tend to get this ship to accompany an Egg as it helps out quite a bit. When you combine this ship with a bunch of light carriers, it becomes more useful as MPA and RC just about make your SC immortal.
if any developer says that Vasari caps are "ok", I'm throwing this game out of the window, ignoring the fact that I bought it digitally.
Well, you could always throw your entire computer out the window...
Or you could stick the game on an 8 gig jump drive although throwing it the window probably wouldn't hurt the thing much as they are pretty solid... If you have an Ironkey, don't even try... Those things are hammer-proof, so forget about the window... Try a nailgun...