@Cassie intercept does not pass by repulse, and thank Lord for the acknowledgment.Late game advent is really powerful. Cielos and lots of hashikos should help, but i haven't played that many tec games into late game like that. And getting pwned by Advent in late game was the reason i switched to it way back when.
Intercept worked for me so I can only speak from my own experience. My cruisers were already in motion (Intercept) when the Repulse ability was employed and it failed to disperse my HC hit squad.
This whole uber Advent thing is a myth. What has really changed about them other than the DPS of the illuminator? Flak chance to hit% down? I got this game 2 weeks after it was released and we have gone from the uber LRM's rushes to the unstoppable Returning Armada, to overlord HC fleets, and now onto the unbeatable Advent. Question is, can anyone simply take the Advent and become unbeatable in late game, or are you simply playing with skilled individuals who could crush any opponent, with any race late game?
This game is nothing more than a series of moves and countermoves. If the Advent are "pwning" you then you obviously have not selected the proper counter move and/or tactic. I've gotten stomped, but I learned to employ the many assets that the TEC have at their disposal and came to the realization that the game was balanced as long as I made the correct moves. If the enemy wanted to disperse my fleet, I learned to prefragment it. I stopped lining up Napoleonic style with my fleet and practiced flanking and diversionary tactics. In short, I learned not to play into the Advent strengths.
Lastly, as others have mentioned, anyone who is dealing with an overpowered Advent enemy has made the mistake of letting things get outta hand. Applying constant pressure and destroy enabling infrastructure along with having a mixed fleet will usually win the day.