Well, let's be frank about online.Here's the problem.Games are to long: Well... This isn't a problem but the games general design and the way it's played out. But because games last so long, like 3-6 hours i find, i myself seem to have to leave... or someone else does. Which completely destroys the fun!!Crashing: Wow... if i crash because of mini dump one more time especially when i'm about to win i'm going to cry.Crashing is a huge problem, especially when games are hours long sometimes! God thats annoying.Pirates: Ya pirates are SOOO annoying, most host leave them on and no one ever seems to complain but me. I hate it, you always lose like a teamate or one player right off the bat. Because he's forced to build a army instead of producing his economy and gaining planets, So as soon as he kills them pirates he then has to prepare to fend off another!!! yay!No fighting: I've been in games where there's been no fighting because the people get to the point where there planets are so re-inforced and protected that they easily can win when defending, but if they attack they lose and vice versa. This creates a standoff of nothing happening which turns the TEC and Advent in using those dam cannons which you cant get to because of the reasons above.Allie sucking/Leaving: Ever get in a game and your ally sucks so much he leaves or gets killed in 5 minutes. Well thats never the dam case. He always sucks and dies about a hour in, you then realise "Holy crap i just wasted a hour of my life and now im boned!".Capital Ship dying: Ever get in a game where your buddy or the ennemie sends their capital ship in and it dies right away and they leave, hell ya. Then guess what, they leave..... always!Stats mean nothing: Stats are stupid, they aren't but they are. I have about 15 ames played and all loses because my freaken ally leaves or i have to go take a huge dump or some crap and i'm forced to leave. Anyways i've had the problem of thinking i'm paired with some brilliant guy who's got 54 wins and 10 loses. I've now come to notice stats mean nothing and chances are he got those wins for being the person who didnt have to take a huge dump or leave during the game. Hell it's true i'm sure most victories are won by people leaving.Anyways you guys are free to talk about how you feel about online and stuff.I feel that SOASE is a totally different game online and not in the good way. Sorry i don't have a 3-6 hours to sit around to play one game. By one game i mean one freaken round type of deal, Feels like such a non-accomplishment when you lose or have to leave, kinda like... dam 3 hours doing that and i got nothing done.
FYI if you simply click quit instead of surrender, your opponents will receive a win, but you will not receive a loss.. so if you REALLY need to leave and dont believe you actually LOST... just, well, quit...
this is also why stats need to be taken with a grain of salt... if someone has 150 games with 50 wins 0 losses... hmmmmm. They are probably quitting instead of surrendering

That said, due to the large number of crashes and dropped games, it is not unreasonable to have twice as many total games played as your wins + losses, yet still surrender/win most your games.