Glad to see I'm not the only one brought back to Wing Commander.
Nice touches would be to rename stars / planets in the strings files to in-universe names (here's a nice series of names in the form of the known universe map:
WC Universe Map). The first thing I did when I started modding was go into English.str and change all the IDS_CAPITALSHIPNAME_TECH00-45 entries from TDN FooZaz to TCS MyAwesomeShipName. Ship names can be found at
WC Universe Ship Names.
Here are some changes I'd recommend trying to get a closer feel to WC:
- Nerf the frigates. Either remove non-essential frigates (leaving only scout and colonizer) or make them much easier to destroy / weaker.
- Cruisers need to be available sooner, if not at the start. Seriously, if you can build Capships without research then why need to research a freaking transport?
- Carrier Cruisers should be able to hold at least two squadrons initially OR Carrier Cruisers should level up like their big brothers do and gain moderate abilities and increased capacity every few levels.
- Carrier Capships should start out with a higher capacity. Max capacity could be retained (if desired) by reducing the rate at which they gain more squadrons.
- Encourage more capships. This can be accomplished by removing / easing the requirements for capship crew training (so every purchased level allows 3 capships or so, or every level is cheaper to purchase). This can also be accomplished by reducing the cost of capships slightly, though their cost is appropriate in the initial release.
- Consider adding or converting existing non-carrier capships into half-carrier / half-destroyer type designs. The original Bengal class carriers in WC relied on fighters entirely to get the job done. The Confederation and Midway designs added anti-capship weapons. You could have the main carrier capship have a high capacity but not be intended for capship combat while the secondary carrier design would have less capacity and less fighter-specific abilities but be more battle worthy.