I know that this has been said before, but I don't think that it's ever had it's own thread.
We really need new win conditions.
Sure, the "absolutely crush your opponent down to the last planet" thing works for small games, but when you have 7 to 9 opponents, it's just ridiculous. The amount of time it takes just to mop up is obscene. Thus, I thought it would be a good idea if we as a community banded together to come up with (realistic) win conditions that could be implemented in a patch (probably the best), expansion, or mod.
And time for my suggestion:
When you click on your name in the diplomacy window, you see your rank in three categories: Military, Empire, and Economy. As of right now, the ranks only serve as a benchmark to compare you to your opponents.
To get a win condition out of this, I suggest that there be a sort of victory timer for each person. When someone is first in two or more categories, the timer counts down. When he is only first in one category, the timer stops (but does not reset). When he isn't first in any, the timer counts back up. Being first in all three categories would result in a slight boost to the countdown rate. When the timer reaches zero, the player wins the game. Ideally, the countdown time could be changed in the game options. Some tweaking might be required for early game.
Additionally, if multiple win conditions are implemented, it would be nice to select what combination of them to use (such as in Dawn of War).