Alright this one is kind of weird but I would like some feedback for a very weird incident where my cap ship just blew up. Here's the details.
I was playing a ICO game with a buddy with a bunch of comps. We were both clearing an astroid of a comp. It was its last planet and there were NO enemy ships or structures left. There were probably 200 friendly ships (mine and his) in the system. My Cap ship was level 8 (Akkan Battlecruiser) and had full health and anti-matter. But all of the sudden it just blew. There was some lag and my buddy said hey your cap ship just blew, and I looked at the side bar and I saw the full health and anti-matter, but also a mysterious red bar over them and then it was gone.
Now is there some kind of random bad luck thing in this game? Or was my crew just careless and smoking a little too close to the fusion reactors?
My friend pharsed the situation similar to the thrid Indiana Jones movie where Indy's dad was in the bi plane shooting the machine gun and when he spun around to shoot the bad guys he shot up his own plane. Now if someone managed to mis-fire the ion bolt and miss an astroid and hit their own ship I would like to know about it.
Anyway give me your thoughts as to why my ship randomly exploded.