1.9a is now available at
i-mod (no approval time 4 me
) or in the
v1.9b will activate the terraincolorschemes for asa at some time later.
Goal is, make v1.9 the last release before GC 2.0 has come out
v1.9a:-unique planet textures and heightmaps, thx to nasty
-implemented the 3 special ships
-implemented the assimilator ship class (attacktransport)
-fixed shiptemplates for colony/mining ship
-tweak all unique weapon's fx, thx to stefan
-fixed bug, where spaceminers were not able to upgrade asteroidbases
-many tweaks to maintainance and costs generally, its a lot harder now
-1 new eco tech branch & buildings
-2 new techs & PI (ZaYsaX Psi generator & Teleporter)
-added 1 techlevel to each weapon type
v1.8-various tweaks
v1.7b-fixes a crash when playing any other race
-fixes invisible shipstyles
-fixes the evil accessible weapon techs on gamestart
v1.7- introduction of the asa ship style
Does anybody know, how to override Improvements requiring a tech which has some hardcoded ability?
For example: UniversalTranslator & Embassy, BasicStarport, StarDemocracy&PoliticalCapital?
I change eg the starports image and assign a Techrequirement, the the
new starport is there, but tho old supposed to be overridden one, as
well, but disappears, once you build your customized building
Same for the other mentioned techs...
Edit: in v1.6+ solved