As mentioned I LOVE my PC games, I actually have £25 Im willing to spend. Thats about $49.
Thus far looking at some of the crap thats out there atm, the only game that I think may have some milage is the latest gciv 2 expansion. Im just wandering what your views are on this game and my following comments?
Although I have went off MMOS I still look through them, I have played probably every major MMO but pirates of the burning sea and FF10 online. Heres the thing I was THINKING about POTBS when I looked at the gamespot review. However Im a little more shrude these days and sometimes think some of the mainstream reviewers arent spending enough hours on the game before reviewing so I dug through google results for user blogs. The thing is the user blogs painted the kind of picture of PoTBs which seems much of what I dislike about MMOS, its really hard to differantiate between players who havent given the game a chance to players who are fanboys hence why I am asking for opinions from this community as I have a pretty good idea that all ages use these forums.
I have many of the games seen as succesful , I will list some but have many more
Supreme commander
Gciv 2 gold
dues ex 1 and 2
baldurs gate
spaceforce 2 rougue crapverse
eve online
eq 2
matrix online
city of heroes
avp 2
call of duty 4
company of heroes (First 1 only)
medevial 2 total war
civ 4 + all expansions
enemy territory quake wars
Space rangers 2 (Actually liked this , I am looking for something unique in my game that incorporates open endedness as opposed to cheap tricks, like the space theme but for the most part I find a good portion of space games badly done and its ruining the genre)
Half life 2+ team fortress 2
nwn 1 and 2
morrowind elder scrolls and all expansions (rate this better content wise than oblivion, alot better)
oblivion (decent game but not enough content by a long shot)
Age of empires III gold
C&C Generals
I actually have more games than the above but just cant remember them all. Okay other games I have been considering:
The latest space empires game
sword of stars+expansion
lotr battle for middle earth 2 + rise of the witch king expansion(Where this is concermed there is no digital download of the first one only the expansion and I am looking for digital download games only , if someone knows where I can buy both as digi dpwnload give me a shout, ea store only has 1)
To be honest nothing thus far has really stuck out at me, so I would appreciate any suggestions? Kinda looking for open endedness couples with replay value, uniquenes and a great story.
Im stumped atm, dont know what to get.
Thanks for reading