I'm sorry, but the idea of having to buy an entire gaming platform just to play one game seems a bit extravagant to me.
If you would enjoy The Force Unleashed, then there are at least 5 other games on the platform that you would
also enjoy.
They are making a friggin handheld version but not one for the PC?
No, they're not. They're
publishing a handheld game, but they are not developing it. They hired an external studio to do the handheld versions.
And they dare spout crap about how PC's wouldn't be able to run all those next-friggin'-gen "break-o-matic" and "screaming-believably-while-being-force-slammed-into-a-wall" engines of theirs?
That's not what they said. What they said was that they can rely on the 360 and PS3 being able to do it, but relying only on the PCs that can would put the game into too small of a market. That is, their developers expect a certain level of performance that is greater than that of the
average PC.
after four titles, the developer suddenly decided they will make the next title for virtually everything *but* the original platform, and said to their loyal fanbase to "go and buy a PC"?
Well, that wouldn't happen for PCs, but this did happen when Square switched from Nintendo platforms to Sony platforms exclusively. People complained, people griped, then people bought PlayStations, because the
games are what matters, not the platform that they're on.
he fact that nearly every other console game somehow forgets to include such mundane things as jumping. Or invisible walls. Now that's an old console tradition. Let's not forget the inability to fall through holes or from ledges.
So, now you're saying that you hate console-style games. Well, brace yourself: The Force Unleashed is a
console style game. If you hate them,
you will not like it. And if you won't like the game, why does it bother you that it won't be coming out for your platform of choice?
Like I said: people who don't already have consoles wouldn't like the game to begin with.