Okay, after 4 years, I bring this post back again, Now i make The Realsins MOD up to Rebellion.
As before, this MOD tried to make the game more strategy and funny, but with a small size.
Some Tips with this MOD:
1. With some lucky explorer, your starbase can jump like VasariRebel's !!!
2. Control the ship during the battle, Weakness may defeat stronger !!!
3. Capture some pirate ships and put it in use, you can make a directly jump like Vasari's Phasegate.
4. All 3 races may boarding (through different way to get the boarding ship) and acquried other race's orbitcannon and can FIRE it !!!
5. Don't blow those disguised tradeship when your ship is damaged.
6. Wait for you to discover.
Updated v1.2
V1.2 Changed Log :
1. Now the Advent and Vasari both have an second OrbitCannon Shell, Like TEC in v0.9-v1.1.
I). Advent's more like in v0.9, do shield damage and restore friendly shields; Also reduce enemy
shield ignore ability.
II). Vasari's just split to damage moduler and damage ships, Also give friendly hull repair buff.
III). TEC's are no longer damager armor. Now the 2nd TEC cannon is a biological Neurotransmitter
weapon, slow down enemy weapons, ability use, reduce damage output; and enhanced friendly's.
AND! Can confuse lowlife like vasari, maybe jioned your army.
2. Upgrade Vasari's Resource Extractor, can have wave weapons and phase missiles, just research
valid extractor upgrade.
3. Pirate heavy and medium frigate change the main weapon to guass connon;
Pirate medium frigate, now have 3 laser banks and BVR planet bomb ability which like old realsins
mod. Pirate heavy frigate have boarding ability now, be aware of them.
4. Now when Pirate new colony stabled, them will use beacon to call a garrison into that orbit, and
got chance to have a Titan.
5. Pirate Captialship modifed with 2 big laser gun and 50% bigger than TEC's transport. Also the
boarding ability is much stronger so can capture Captialships.
6. The valid boarding ability now shows boarded during the boarding time, just make you know if it's
7. All 3 race's longrange frigate can upgrade by researching valid longrange weapons.
8. Change the pirate Titan's ability, make it less stronger.
9. Change the fonts more comfortable!
Some upgrade pics:
v1.2 [Compatible Rebellion v1.04]: https://dl.dropbox.com/u/99473034/My%20Soase%20MOD/RealSins%20Rebel%20MOD%20v1.2.rar
Those who download v1.2 before 2012-09-19 UTC Time 15:00, Plz download the following patch:
Unzip and put into the MOD1.2 folder, overwrite the original entity.manifest, Cause i've missed a new entity in that file.
Updated v1.1, fixed some issues and bugs with Rebellion v1.04
Changed Log [Base on v0.9]:
1. Tech starbase devidid to movable and original, Which rebel's and loyal's movable have a different ability, one enhanced shields, the other teared enemy shields.
2. Add shield to much of Pirate ships and orbit moduler.
3. Reduce MaxFleetSupply from 2000 to 1500 in each level, and extend research time.
4. Remove Advent CivilianStation's interaction planet's effect, which cause minidump when abandond the planet.
5. Other former changed issues didn't work in v1.0 are fixed.
v1.1 [Compatible Rebellion v1.04]: https://dl.dropbox.com/u/99473034/My%20Soase%20MOD/RealSins%20Rebel%20MOD%20v1.1.rar
v1.0 Released, Just make it compatible with lastest Rebellion v1.04
Download: Have bugs, Deleted, Try v1.1.
v0.9 [Compatible Rebellion v1.02/v1.03]: https://dl.dropbox.com/u/99473034/My%20Soase%20MOD/RealSins%20Rebel%20MOD%20v0.9.rar
Experience Maps:
Here is a map which can make a better player experience of this MOD.
HammerX_RS_Aug.galaxy for game version 1.02-1.03
HammerX_RS_Sep.galaxy for game version 1.04
Modified Details Intro of v0.9:
1. Alter the star system background more darkness.
2. Replace the valid moon texture. (Or it's like a golfball. )
3. Alter Vasari wave weapon effect smaller.
4. Modified Tech and Vasari missile effect for a long trail.
5. Modified ability GroupShield's effect rings more clearly.
6. Modified asteroids number in planet asteroid.
7. Replace Piratebase model with moon/asteroid/deadasteroid, And add much dustclouds in Piratebase gravity.
8. Add civilian shuttles flying in gravity, which launched from CivilianLivingStation, just for Advent now.
1. Add Planet Terren/Ice/Desert/Volcanic with moons, just like old Realsins mod. These planet have planet bonus moon, Which need 0~2 times search the planet.
2. All planet's population reduced in every develop level. Ice and Asteroid/Dead/Piratebase add one more population level.
3. All planet have a change of natural resource asteroid.
4. Insured GasGiant has natural resource asteroids, modified it's ability "Unstable Gas" which now have a large affected aero and more damage.
5. Modified GasGiant and Piratebase can contain 2 starbase for a player.
6. Add ability MessBattlefield to planet asteroid/dead, which affect weapon range/ship speed... by chance; Until you left or colonized it. (Means it's can be a perfect defence position for colonized player.)
1. Player start planet can be anyone of Terren/Ice/Desert/Volcanic.
2. Orbit module RepairPlatform have mine detect ability with a huge aero.
(means once you colonized a planet can deal with former mines easier than before, just build a repair platform.)
3. Orbit module JumpBlocker affected more aero.
(which means build one in one gravity is enough, unless you place near gravity edge.)
4. Income from tax reduced 33%; Income from trade increased 25%.
5. All ships basic shield mitigation reduced.
(Frigate from 0.6 to 0.4; CapitalShip level 1 from 0.65 to 0.45; Corvette from 0.6 to 0.5.)
6. All ship's max speed reduced a little.
(about 20~30%, no longer travel fast than a missile ah.)
7. All ship's Linear acceleration/deceleration reduced as below:
Tech: 40/55/160 --- (Capticalship&Titan / Frigate / Fighter)
Advent: 30/42/660 --- (Capticalship&Titan / Frigate / FighterDrones...Remoted Ah)
Vasari: 50/70/240 --- (Capticalship&Titan / Frigate / Fighter)
(Cause like tech race are humans which can bear about max 10 gravity acceleration, which about game math number 80; This changes a liitle bit of ships behavier)
8. All Captialship levelup required exp increased.
9. All orbitcannon once built, can fired anytime, no longer resitrict by research station bumbers.
10. All orbitcannon fired no longer use antimatter, use resources now, One shoot cost equal a captialship! Turn autocast off when finished building.
11. Captialship training level research modfied to 3, means can trained to level 6.
12. Allegiance drop slowly than before.
13. Add 12 artifacts further research to defence research block. Also reduce the original effect, improved further research effect. (You can check detailed data in game)
14. Pirate raid strength more related with bound numbers, less related with empire develope scale.
15. Blackmarket price change scope increased, means you can buy and sell resouces to earn the money.
(Max price: Sell-600/Buy-800; Min price: Sell-280/Buy-360)
Tech Modified:
1. Starbase can mobilized, but move slower than Vasari's.
2. Starbase can bring advantage to friendly units in it's gravity.
3. Transport captialship can board and capture orbit module now.
4. After artifact founded and researched, Tech can even research and acquried Starbase jump and Spy in player's culture!
5. Nova Cannon can fired the second shell X238, deal with enemies armor and cause other negative effect, also bring advantage to friendly units!
6. Reduced original Nova cannon shell uncolonized status from 30 mins to 3 mins.
7. All frigates and Captialships armor doubled!
8. Doubled research level with armor technology!
9. Add one research level to desert planet population and also increased population on asteroids.
10. Rebel troupe a little more stronger than before.
Advent Modified:
1. Starbase can mobilized, but move slower than Vasari's.
2. Starbase can bring advantage to friendly units in it's gravity. And ability meteor strike range increased.
3. Add new orbit module: CiviliaLivingStation, can acquried with research in noncombat block and improved it's function.
4. CiviliaLivingStation have ability of Interaction, which send shuttles to other stations and planet, acquried income, improved planet like reduce planet develope cost, increased trade income.
5. CiviliaLivingStation can acquried AfterlifeCore after antimatter research, which set a huge explorsion to damage everything nearby when station destoried.
6. After artifact founded and researched, Advent can even research and acquried Starbase jump and Faster capitalship turning!
7. Orbit cannon shell can deal with enemies shield, detonate mines, and cause other negative effect, also bring advantage to friendly units!
8. All frigates and Captialships shields +25%; hulls -25%!
9. Doubled research level with shield number!
10. Doubled research level with culture speed!
11. TacticalSlot research now need Interaction as base research, and finally can acquried 4 civilian slots and 12 tactical slots extra.
12. Constant Gain Exp research split to 4 research level, each one for one level.
Vasari Modified:
1. Starbase Destabilize damage increased.
2. Orbit cannon shell damage to module increased 33% upto 2000.
3. Orbit cannon shell can damage enemies ships, disable ability, detonate mines, and cause other negative effect, also bring advantage to friendly units!
4. All frigates and Captialships Hulls +25%; Shields -25%!
5. Summon darkfleet of Captialship have chance to acquried capitalship from other race.
6. Doubled research level with Hull number!
7. After artifact founded and researched, Vasari can even research and acquried Spy in player's cultureand Faster capitalship turning.(Starbase jump /For Vasari Loyalist)
8. Doubled research level with phase missile ignore shield.
9. Add one research level to volcanic planet population.
Pirate Modified:
1. Weaken the pirate damage research.
(Valid 4 times 100% damage increase research, now is 4 times 25% damage increase research. )
2. Slow down the pirate jump speed in system.
3. Pirate can acquried jump between system by research. But jump slowly.
4. Pirate can acquried planet shield technology.
5. Add one Rebel Titan and two captialships to pirate base!
6. Add Pirate tradeport to pirate base!
7. Pirate can send scout!
8. Pirate raid troupe can have a captialship.(Appeared with raid level 3 or above)
9. After purge the planet, pirate raid force can colonized the planet! And build modules!
10. Pirate raid troupe no longer always attack the nearest planet to them!
Misc Modified:
1. Modified UI fonts, more bigger and clear.
【If you don't like, del whole Font folder and 2 files in window folder: HUD.brushes/InfoCard.window】
2. Loading Pictures Replaced with some sci-fi pictures.
3. PhaseLane become more slender.
4. Planet with local militery can have tradeport sometimes, Be aware of this kind of tradeship!
New UI Fonts
Update 2012. 08. 28
Someone still want to make a try is OK, But I don't make Update.
Here is the story where this "TerranRepublic" came from[I'm not good at write stories, Don't blame me if you don't like the story. ]
Many many years ago, when the Trade Emergency Coalition founded, It was just a finance organization called "Trade Assist League", which united traders to face pirates and unknow risks.
The Terran Republic allowed this organization built it's armed forces to reduce the loss of human lifes and spaceships.
At the first two decades, everything seems fine, Until A.D.2752, leaders of TAL prepare their subversive activities secretly, and assassinate several senators who got wind of their conspiracy.
In the year A.D.2754, The TAL decleared separate with all colonies under it's control, and renamed TEC which known today.
Although the Terran Republic only control the planet earth, the public still has strong army, and even succefully reoccupied seven colonies in the year A.D.2755.
In the year A.D.2756, TEC contact with the Advent for first time and soon made a huge deal of bought their shield technology.
With this advanced tech, TEC occupied all the colonies within 2 months and push forward to earth.
In this conjuncture, Terran Republic layed tremendous mines in solar system while start built the biggest spaceship in human history.
The mines can't stop the TEC too long, After 5 months, Feb.7.2757, TEC began attack planet erath. The biggest spaceship - "MotherEarth" still loading equipment at that moment. Many people sacrifice their lifes to cover MotherEarth leaving which carried over 120'000'000 people and also carried democracy and freedom.
Update 11.11.2008
| Hammer RS MOD |
By HammerSun
MOD Version 1.0
Compatible with Sins version 1.04
Sorry for my mistake, that Pirate Advanced DDG now have 16800 hull points instead of 1680. Download this entity file and overwrite the original file should fix it.
Short Forword:
I make this mod's major idea is to make the game more playable and funny. So, you can find moons and new ships i've made.(New to 3dsMax, If you feel the ship not pretty, don't blame me. )
What's different in my MOD:
1.Focus on your economy, and bounty to defeat a player now possible.
2.Sneak and capture enemy module to disturb his tactic now possible.
3.Capture powerful or useful ship and runaway now possible.
Extract the 'HammerRS' folder into your Mods Folder for Sins of a Solar Empire, where:
C:\Documents and Settings\**YOUR_USERNAME**\Local Settings\Application Data\Ironclad Games\Sins of a Solar Empire\Mods
[Windows Vista should at: C:\**YOUR_USERNAME**\AppData\Local\Ironclad Games\Sins of a Solar Empire\Mods]
Address1: http://files.filefront.com/HammerRS7z/;10212955;/fileinfo.html
Address2: http://rapidshare.com/files/114691756/HammerRS.7z.html
Download new or changed files text formation for Moder:
Address1: http://files.filefront.com/RS+Text7z/;10225274;/fileinfo.html
Address2: http://rapidshare.com/files/114979517/RS_Text.7z.html
Change Description:
1.Captialship - WarHammer Class which belong to Pirate. Ability: *MiniGauss, *GravityEngine, *ExpertPilot, LauchDrone
2.Frigate - DDG which belong to Pirate, typed Basic/Imprvoed/Advanced/Super/Ultimate. Ability: *DisruptMissile, *Precision
3.Frigate - Drone which launch by WarHammer captialship.(Ultimate Ability)
4.Pirate BigMissile, Em~ DDG and WarHammer use it.
1.Frigate - CV [Model:TEC Carrier] which belong to Pirate, typed Basic/Imprvoed/Advanced/Super/Ultimate. Ability: *PromptlyBuildFighters, *DeploySiegeTurret
2.Frigate - AGF [Model:Pirate Heavy] which belong to Pirate, typed Basic/Imprvoed/Advanced/Super/Ultimate. Ability: *ComputerControl_Pirate, *CaptureModule, *Repair
3.Frigate - LHD [Model:Pirate Medium] which belong to Pirate, typed Basic/Imprvoed/Advanced/Super/Ultimate. Ability: StealResources, *ShieldRestore, Colonize
4.Ship - Pirate Trade Ship [Model:TEC TradeShip] which belong to PirateTradePort, has little defence weapon.
1.Unknow Pirate Facility, which belong to Pirate.
Computer Control, All races, Prerequisites: HyperSpace detection. Need 2 Civilion lab.
After research, all race's LongRange Frigate can use this ability. (*Take good use of this new ability.*)
1.Really moving moons with moon planetbonus.
2.Pirate Base now become the place where you most want to colonized.
Some new ability has new effect, and some pirate weapon effect is new.
Pirate raid now composed with all new ships above, Pirate Base now well defended. BUT, pirate raid level won't raise quickly as before. And Also reduce the raid strength.
Raid Level - Low won't composed Captialship.
1.Now you can defeat a empire through bounty on his head!
2.When pirate use computercontrol ability on you ship, there was a sound and a red effect around it, make some order to that ship read for recontrol it.
3.Capture the pirate AGF, then you can capture planetmodule which belong to other races.
4.You'll never want to fight against a Super or Ultimate Pirate Frigate, Capture is a better way.
5.Explore what the Unknow Pirate Facility can do.
-Thanks to-
Stardock and Ironclad, who afford such a wonderful game.
Zoomba, who afford 1.04 TEXT files.
Stanum, who afford SOASE 3dsmax importer and exporter.
Special Thanks:
Uzii, Annatar11, DANMAN3712, bailknight, who afford much help when i learn to mod.