Thanks Aractain, i tried some and they looked cool, but im still puzzled how to add those boxes and colors (im new with textures and particles stuff) I would appreciate a manual or something Stardock, like the galaxy forge one
Super quick overview:
Right clicking rotates view, mouse wheel zooms view.
The important things to set up are "Settings", "Global Properties", "Emiters" and "Affectors".
Settings/Global is the overall settings, self explanatory most of the time.
Emiters are things that create the actual graphics, right click on Emiters to add one of 3 types.
Sphere and
Ring. From what I've seen Sphere is usualy used for glows like muzzel glows, point is used for spitting out lots of little particles and ring is like point but it does it in a ring... Yeah not great explanations but I didn't investigate that much.
The affector is a thing used to change an emiter's particles in some way, to create one right click on Affectors and choose the one you one (size change and fade are common for example). Then right click on the the thing that was created and choose "Attached Emiters...". This gives you a dialog to add/remove emiters to the affector, you can have multipule effectors with all the emiters in each if you want.
Right click remove simply deletes the item (duh lol) and copy makes a copy right next to it. There is no undo like Galaxy Forge either.
The numbers are pretty much self explanatory, to test just use any texture file and fiddle with the numbers to see what happens. (One cool one is colour which, strangely enough, sets the colour which gives huge changes in feel very simply).