My brain hurts from reading this thread.
The polar ice caps cause tornadoes. If they actually melted, severity of weather would be decreased drastically. Alas, even with the best possible projections, melting Antarctica is flat impossible, so we're fucked on that one. If the north pole melted, tornado ally wouldn't exist. The strong air currents are driven by the radical change in temperature caused by the ice caps. No ice caps, no radical change in temperature.
Now, hurricanes are another matter. If the caps melted, we might see worse hurricanes. Hurricanes, unlike normal storm systems, are not created by cool air running into hot air. Hurricanes are created by warm water running into cold air. Relatively cold anyway. Water evaporates, rises, cools, condenses, drops the pressure, and starts the sucker up. It's a self contained system that generates it's own power as long as the water stays warm enough. There is the question of how cold the air would be though. Global warming is going to increase the air temperature more than the water temperature in the southern hemisphere. This isn't an arguable point, Antarctica is not going to melt, period. You'd need almost a 40F degree change in the average temperature, got it? Global warming doom and gloom scenarios call for a minuscule fraction of that required. Since water has a vastly higher heat capacity than air, the stabilizing force that is Antarctica will guarantee that the average difference between the air and water temperature will decrease, not increase. The might hinges upon unknowns that may or may not end up in more favorable conditions in various circumstances based on entirely unknown changes to global currents. Regardless, tropical cyclones are beneficial, they redistribute the warmth to cooler areas by nature of continuing till they run into one.
I'd be much more worried about the geological record than I would global warming. We're due for another ice age if the pattern holds, hello permanent ice over a third of the globe. Of course, we'll all be dead by then, which is probably why people are more interested in arguing over mythical global warming dangers and pure speculation that might have minimal bearing on their own existence.
Besides, CO2 isn't pollution.