Hi all, I know this is asked by every newb who joins
but I hoped to get some custom advice if possible please.
I have done the tutorial, and then I have just played the random small 1vs1 game, against an
easy opponent. I like to play as TEC, but I will try the others once I get used to the game. I played these games twice and won both. First time, it took me 8 hours to win. Second time it took me 5. I think next time I can maybe shave it down to 4. But I have some questions and hope to get some help.
1) How long should it take an average player to win that map? (By going for a destroy the enemy victory). And how long for a pro player? I'm just trying to get an idea how much more I should be hurrying it up. For example, should I be aiming to do it in 4 hours (in which case, I'm not doing too badly so far..), or should I be able to win in 20 minutes? (In which case, I have a LOT of improvement to do!).
2) Question 2. Is there any way to know how good my army is? What I mean, is that I build a bunch of units like a secondary army, to defend my front line. I find that if I have enough, I can then send my main army to take over new planets, and the AI doesn't attack me because it knows it can't get through my secondary army protecting the front line. When there are multiple routes though, I end up having to make a second and third and fourth entire army to protect the front lines.
So it would really help to know whether these are strong enough. Because if they are too strong, I am wasting valuable units (possibly even dozens of expensive units...) for no reason. And if they are not strong enough, then I get attacked and that is really bad. So I tend to overdo it and have lots of units defending these front lines, and I think that REALLY slows me down. I do this because I don't know whether the army is strong enough. Is there any way to know?
3) Question 3 - last one - but the biggest:
Please help me tidy up my start strategy. I know there is no perfect
option, and I know you should change what you do based on what is
happening etc. And I know that everyone has a different plan. And I
know that I should develop my own style.. (whew!). But I would like to
explain what I do, and see if anyone can help give me some tips to
improve/change it. Here goes:
First thing I do is build two scouts, and I manually explore with them.
Then I build 6 Cobalt Light Frigates.
Then I build the Protev Colony Frigate.
At the same time I upgrade the "Civilian Infrastructure" to full, and I build as many mines as the home world can support.
Then I send my fighters to the nearby planet to kill the defenders, and then I bring in the frigate to capture it.
At the same time, I upgrade the Logistics of my homeworld, and then I build Civilian Reasearch centres.
I basically start attacking nearby planets and asteroids and I try to
capture them all ASAP, and I build a capitol ship as soon as I can, to
help with that. As I capture a new world, I do the same routine -
Upgrade civ, add mines, logistics, then add a military or civ research
I just read that I should not attack planets, and instead
just focus on asteroids to start with. But what else can I change or
improve?? My main question about this, is how much should I hurry to
get the Orbital Refineries? In my last game, I figured that I needed to
get as many planets as possible, and get refineries going as soon as
possible, and that would give me the most money and resources over the
long term, but I think I built them at the expense of my army and the
consequence is that I didn't attack fast enough. I know I have to
balance this myself with practice, but basically my question is...
should I just focus on attacking at the start and forget about the
refineries and trade posts? Or should I build the minimum units
necessary, and get those refineries/trade posts build ASAP, and then
start mass producing units?