Yeah, we could really use a shared Site Issues forum.
Searching for members and their posts is very difficult (please pm me if you know a good way).
At present there is none. But its being worked on.
For whatever reason, I can't upload an Avatar regardless of pixel size (tried 50x50, 48x48, 50+X50+ etc)All i get is a Bad Request error.
Call it bad timing. We're moving some data around today in order to increase our scalability, and you just happened to catch us in the middle of that. That function should be restored by the end of the day.
When viewing recent posts, it would be nice to be able to have a filter. In other words, while on the Demigodthegame site, I'd like to see (or click an option) to only see new posts that originate from this forum (not stardock, impulse, PC games, Sins, etc etc).
Yeah that confuses a lot of people when they first have a look at our system. Well, for those who notice anyhow. It's actually one of the benifits to it. When two or more forums share a category, you get input from many different sources. Just because someone happens to be on a nother site, doesnt mean they dont have good input about a topic. Our posts arent separated by sites, theyre separated by category/forum. We've had that in place for many many years now and sorting posts based upon the site it was originated from isn't something that we do with the data. Sorry.