Hmm, just curious: In FoePa's screenies the debug output states hard AI credits being 3030.2 vs. 3020.1 for player - assuming the game was paused all the time, would that not indicate hard AI indeed get's a bonus?
Actually no, I even put it in the caption that is after 1 sec. The human was at zero. I my fingers got a little key happy and I hit the pause instead of the printscreen, first. So it was just a single heartbeat before realizing my mistake and repausing.
Just for the record if you read my posts. I am not trying to prove that it doesn't get a boost. I am only defending my position, that I disagree with the meaning of the charts posted. They said 0 secs into the game the historical chart showed. 1, 1.5 and 2.
1st post -
It is a hard AI, it doesn't get any boost over and above what other players do. It does Micro Manage at light speed, if you could move that fast you too could reap the benefits.
I can prove the unfair AI is researching without research stations, planning attacks on worlds that haven't been scouted yet, among other things. I see no such evidence of that on the Hard AI and tax rates, credits and resources all seem normal.
It is easy enough to prove one way or the other if you use he right tools. Speculation and informal graphs are not the right tools. If its not based on fact it is not proof it is nothing more than theory.
I choose to believe that the only AI to get a boost is the Unfair. Just call me Stoopid.
I won't call you anything cause this is a forum, and its only right to allow everyone thier own opinions and not take it to the level of personal attacks. Especially since the only truly concrete thing we have is the word from the Devs.
2nd Post-
My source is from in game, the debugger actually.
I can't verify a thing you say.
I can verify that the Unfair AI indeed gets a boost. The Hard AI gets no boost as far as I can see. My research is no less valid than yours. I will not represent one hour of research under uncontrolled conditions and a single map as fact. It is enough to cast doubts on your methods and theories.
I am not going to do anymore research at this time. I really don't care all that much. I just don't feel you should post unsubstantiated research as fact.
My suggestion is if anyone wants to take it a step further load up the debugger, and take a look at the game from all angles and develop your own opinions.
3rd post -
You also admit that you have no conclusive proof. If it is hardcoded. The only people that can in fact verify it either way are the people with access to that code. You are looking at a graph and saying thats it right there 100%. I looked at the ingame information real time with the debugger.exe and found no evidence to back up your theory. I did not spend enough time and effort to say anything 100% - I suggested that others do the same and form their own opinions
Summary I never set out to prove anything. I was just defending my right to my own opinion. Without being called stupid and ignorant. What I post shows why I have doubts that the hard gets a boost. It may, I don't know and I don't care enough to spend more time on this.
Edit:Honestly I have no reason to doubt the Devs. If people really want me to try and figure it out I will, as long as everyone keeps their arguments civil. Otherwise I'll work on testing other bugs.