In order to facilitate the creation of the Borg for SINS and 7 Deadly Sins, I'm declaring this thread, and backing it with meshes, particles, and abilities.
First, this thread is a feeler to draw support for the Borg together in a thread specific to the Borg. (Borg mods previously declared should consider this as support, with the goal of putting the Borg into 7 Deadly Sins).
I'm hoping to make the capital fleetyards look somewhat like Unimatrix-0, or have all the planet modules' shapes combine to make it, each with massive vertical stature...
This battle has two Borg Cubes against one of every frigate from each of the three stock races, and a Dunov... ...and the Borg ships were destroyed... (oops)
I tried using the green-Borg-glow as the ship's exhaust system, but then it doesn't consistantly glow...
The Borg ships will not have shields, so all impacts happen just under the surface
The texture is from the SINS menu, those dark scratches (new texture coming)
The Sphere has been redone and there is also a Scout (like the one Janeway destroyed on a parts-hunting mission, that looks like a beveled box, with massive greeblies)... ...also the colony pod is a teeny borg sphere
The glowing green particles fade in and out in different places, always keeping the center well lit...
Solid spheres and cube meshes would take about one minute to make, don't be afraid to ask, specify radius... ...then a mesh-pack containing solids can be released (No planets though, unless you want pinch-points at the poles)
Borg Borg Borg Borg....