starkers -
You've got to stop making these sweeping accusations without backing them up & sue your psychiatrist for malpractice.
Sweeping accusations, eh? Yeah, you're right, I need to trade in my weary old broom for a vacuum cleaner... seems I missed a few bits. Oh well, I still got a couple of weeks before George Dubbya vacates the White House... got a couple of real juicy conspiracy theories about him.
Apparently, Bush has told McCain to deliberately lose thise election... which he's doing very effectively by appearing more senile than he really is in public. Yup, and there was method in his madness when he announced Sarah Palin as his running mate... he knew that if he was to comply with GWB's wishes and lose the election, she was his best chance to go down in a landslide. He knew that he needed a token gesture to convince the American public not to vote for him, so he sent out a team of researchers to find an airhead (but a good looking airhead... yup, she had to be good looking to take focus off his balding head) who would pretty be capable of single-handedly unfloating his election boat. They say be careful what you wish for, but John McCain got exactly what he wanted... someone who put her motor-mouth into gear before engaging her brain
Anyhow, that's another story and I digress. The fact is George Dubbya remembers the mess he inherited from Bill Clinton, particularly in the Oval Office - word has it that cleaners took close to a month to get it ready for him, and then he was still finding condoms and womens underwear in his desk drawers - and he didn't want McCain to inherit the mess he has left behind. While some of this may be out of concern for a fellow Repub, those who are close to GWB believe it's more likely that he doesn't want McCain dishing the dirt on him later on... or not dishing the dirt on him for a price.
The biggest scandal, however, relates to the WMD's Someone sent him a communique regarding an Iraqi illusionist (like David Cpperfield/David Blain) who was traveling around Iraq performing wonderful acts of mass distraction, and GWB (being he's dyslexic and never finished elementary reading at school) misread the whole thing and thought he was an agent of Saddam Hussein, who was traveling around with weapons of mass destruction. Well the rest is history, the WMD's were never found and the Iraqi illusionist now works for John McCain as an advisor on escapology.