While I agree the whole issue has gotten out of hand, please put blame where blame is due, without folks stealing games and movies ,music, there would be no need for the measures we as customers have to deal with daily.
This is going to seem like I'm trying to stick to to the machine or rage against the man, but ah well.
I think computer game pirates are being scapegoated to fool people into accepting ridiculous 'security measures' that clearly do nothing to prevent piracy, but do everything to increase profits.
EA's 'security measures' are the most obvious example, with them farming your information to be used for advertising, as well as forcing some people into buying more copies of their games because they've ran out of installs.
and do they prevent piracy? do they fuck. Spore was cracked BEFORE it was even out, and that contained some of the most restrictive security measures to date. If you want to know how effective these measures are at fighting piracy, try writing any of these into a bittorrent search engine :- Mass Effect, Spore and (tomorrow, or maybe saturday) Red Alert 3. I'll eat my hat if you can't find a single good copy.
Nah, I don't think that saying "these security measures are only in place because people download games" is true at all. Especially since we're speaking on a stardock forum which is a company that makes/publishes good games for good prices and has copy protection that is seriously easy to deal with.
And just between you and me, I don't think they're doing bad business at all.