Oh you silly Starcraft fans, you make me lawlz
1) Squiggoth vs. Ultralisk
2) Predator Tank vs. Seige tank
3) Zealot vs. Slugga boy
4) Dreadnaught vs. Goliath
5) Kerrigan (infested) vs. Force Commander
6) High Templar vs. Chaplin
7) Orc Warboss vs. How many Zerglings could he kill before falling
1.) Squiggoth because its larger, stronger, faster, has bigger teeth and impaling horns. Plus: It has GUNS ontop of it!
2.) Predator Tank or Leman Russ Tank ALWAYS. By the time the seige tank reloads to fire a second shot the Pred/Russ will have reduced it to scrap and moved onto its friends. Only thing its got on them is Range and thats in siege mode. Plus they are agile (for tanks) and would out maneuver it anyhow
3.) Zealot. versus _one_ slugga Boy because...well its only one and everyone laughs at the whimpest orc EVA. Unless there are fifteen of them of course.
4.) Dreadnaught for the sheer fact that it can come with a lazcannon,rotary chaingun, be Orbital Dropped and has a melee ability. Where as the Goliath *im going by story, not game, For Feth's sake who makes Twin roatary Chainguns that only fire THREE BULLLET BURSTS EVERY TEN SECONDS!?!? Where was I? Oh right: Goliath can spit out an awsome amount of bullets and the twin racked Hellfire missiles are not bad either but, in the end its armor just wouldnt withstand a lasblast or a mix up with those Claws on the dreads arms. Sorry.
5.)Iffy Contest but I say the Force Commander could take her, I mean aside from cloak, cannablize, Psi storm and her skills as an ex ghost assasin and two wings that fight as independant entities...Okay yeah I dunno depends on the Force Commander's skill. Guess if he was a Grey Knight Force Commander no contest though
6.)High Templar versus a Chaplain. No contest here, Rosarius save through the Psi Storm, bash the cloth wearing Templar's Clone Creations aside and then proceed to cave in his skull with the Crozius. I mean the chaplain will be steaming visibly from the electrical shock on his armor but, aside from a tingle he would be fine.
7.) I do not really care, a dead enemy aliens a good thing and the more they kill each other the better for humanity!
Also: To Kyrein, Warhammer 40,000 story and tabletop was out long before Starcraft