Ah... Three mini's
Mobile Defense: I took the planetbeamdefense and it was static, didn't move. Annatar11 told me how to move the pics for the beam defense over to a frigate, i left in the module builder thing because i thought it would be nice to build and fight. Makes building things way faster with lots of them running around. And the moveable beam defense arrays aren't locked into a single place and out of range anymore.
Strike Craft Mod: Someone in the forums wanted to beef up the numbers of strike craft per carrier and drone host. I increased to 4 to start but a top end of 16 for the capitals, the tec, advent and the vasari. I took the frigate carriers and gave them 6. But that is where they start and stop. It seemed enough to make for an interesting increase, but not enough to really unbalance the game. If you like you can re-do the frigates and capitals to higher numbers yet. Or adjust them however you see is best. Its not hard. Perhaps i should post what i did, so those new to this can give it a go.
Teal's Mini Mod: Here i took some of the ideas i had and merged them. I think the beam defense is in this one too, but what i wanted to concentrate on mostly with this one, was copying over capital abilities to the frigates. In this way, you can effectively have as many "capitals" as you want, without a limit. I like it and play it alot, though to be honest it is overpowering sometimes. I also adjusted the costs on some planet upgrades and ship costs and asteroid count and output, so that it is easier to get up and running with a fairly good size fleet quickly. I know its more strategic and epic to take a long time for all of this, but well... sometimes i dont have much time to game, so my games are fairly quick and bloody. Haha, well, this may not be everyones cup of tea. It just reduces costs and some research costs and build times for ships. It is not as extensive as Danny117's on the Mod Site, but just enough to get the ships up and running.
So that is it, those are the descriptions for my mini mods, they arent really earth shakers, or game re-vampers, but small tweaks here and there to make things a bit more easier for a casual player to use, thats all.
I sound like an old modder, haha, but ive only been doing this for about 2 months now, so im just newbie too, but learning.