... I somehow doubt that the alpha will focus on multiplayer basics (considering multiplayer is more of a sideline - not something done in an alpha) or combat mechanics (cloth map only -> probably no tactical combat). I think the alpha will focus on general kingdom/channeler management and that kind of stuff. The stuff that really needs to be in before they can really start adding the other features.
I'm perfectly ready to accept being totally mistaken about what might be the technical focus for the (neo)alpha. My notion there is based on sloppy recollections of long-ago talk about the alpha, and then there was Demigod...
But I still hope that anyone who gets a slot and knows they won't be able to use it much has the option to put it back in the hat for another lucky winner to receive. My work is classic feast-and-famine contracting, and the famine side has been so strong since last fall that I'll definitely need to gorge on the billable hours if the feed-trough is suddenly overflowing.