Heh, well thats how its done. I mean historically, when you have a crest that is the combination of 2 other crests, its to show merged families. I remember I had a project based on it back in like 6th grade where we learned about family crests and how or why they were the way they were.
Anyway... I gave the time. I don't want to deny the community access to the the avatars just because Luckmann can't post them. Some of them might not even be around in too many future updates because they seem like filler pieces until replacements can be made (namely the ones that are 3D images placed in medallion circles and are only 128x128, rather than 512 like all the straight-up 2D art).

People should likely give Luckmann karma anyway, because I know he at least started on it, and there are a LOT of freaking medallions, not to mention other graphics that could be used. In fact, I'm giving spartan a pre-emptive karma just because I know based on how long it took me to post these, that He's going to be spending tons of time
Now that I've taken the time to really look through all of these (file names, not just the images) I'm really excited to see them in action. Some beg the question as to what exactly they suggest. For example, Are sand crawlers playable? How many more Sovereigns? And most of all, I couldn't help but noticed there was a medallion labeled "Hill Giant Clothed".... so does that mean there are plans for a "Hill Giant Naked" floating around somewhere? or at least "Hill Giant not-fully-clothed"
Also, please. If I missed one, let me know. I was trying not to do duplicates of whats already up, but some things I've been looking at for so long. either because I've been playing the game or it was posted in a poor-quality form in this thread earlier . I almost forgot to post their better quality versions of what we already had. (like the Knowledge or Academy Medallion)
I have more on the way, but these are the ones ripped directly from the game. I've yet to create avatars from other assets, but they should be on their way as soon as I have time (I've been really busy of late. Some big things didn't go the way I had expected and I've been scrambling to make adjustments)
EDIT: also, I wasn't doing any kind of file size check on these. They should range from just under 20kB to I think about 26kB. Shouldn't be a problem on this forum, but if you want to post it on other forums that limit you to, say, 20k... just let me know and I might be able to get you one that fits your size. There are solutions other than dropping down into an 8-bit PNG (which would put the size around ~5-8kB)
P.E. (post edit?) I got off my fat lazy bum and created that wallpaper thread as I promised I would.
It can be found here:https://forums.elementalgame.com/365591 So enjoy your Wallpapers, or desktops, or whatever you want to call them.