Howdy folks!
I'm not as much of a frequenter of the boards these days, but I can honestly say I've been liking the new things that have been going on. The new smilies are pretttttty slick! Kudos to Alf and Steph on their great designs! Love some of the expressions
Wincustomize (and all associated stardockian sites) have come a long way since I originally created the emoticon set... None of this gloss and shine, thats for sure! Oddly enough, when I made the smilies, I figured they'd look good in green (although I think I must have been a little nuts... Something about matching the lizard or some such thing), but T-Man quickly set me straight.
I was a big fan of the original WinCustomize smilies, and as such, I wanted to match what those conveyed the most... For those who frequently use poor spelling, you more than likely get subjected to Jafo's personal emoticon from time to time. Those personal icons that the Admins all had were a fun addition to things, and I found that I ended up making a small collection of them on my own computer just for fun. Doreen's was cute, as well as China's. Oi, this is taking me back down Memory Lane©...
Most of the folks on the boards now probably dont remember me from when I first showed up on WinCustomize as "jdcerebro"... That was almost six years ago! I was... 15 at the time, and had just started playing around on my parents computer and was bored with the look. WinCustomize was a site I kinda grew up with. It was a cool moment for me to take part in the design of the smilies to coincide with a new site look. That was quite the upgrade, and I was glad that my designs were well-recieved.
At any rate, I love the new smilies (although, as 99% of people said when MINE came out, they're too big!) and I'm glad that the community continues to help direct and contribute-to the way the forums and sites, as a whole, develop.
FYI, a screenshot of the development of my smilies... I found the original PSD's and other source files a few weeks ago. Enjoy!
Teh link!