It needs more than just an empty folder.
Back up your original mod then copy the 1.1 reference files into your mod.
No mod will run without a complete gameinfo folder. Why? I dont know. I didnt design the game. Then match up your modded files with the 1.1 reference data to see if anything was changed. You are basically re-building your mod from scratch like this. If all of your entitys, and english string match the 1.1 data then your good to go.
AFAIK none of the ship entitys formats were changed at all because the 1.05 entitys are pretty much identical to 1.1 except the changes in stats.The way the gameinfo folder is, and how the entitys are formatted seem unchanged from 1.05 (other than vanilla ship stats).
Sound folder remains unchanged.
brushes and UI remain unchanged except for the added mini underground window, and some UI textures. UI still only supports 15 combat ship slots.
Particles file now has separate folders for abilities buffs weapons etc. The weapons effects are separated according faction now. You will notice folders for TECH PHASE, and PSI. If you have your own modded faction, Example "Federation" you should make a new folder with your mod factions name, and drop all modded particles that faction uses in it. The game will find it. Ive already tested this with SoA 2, and it works. Nice way to organize
Textures.. The -cl Texture now use the alpha channel for team color. The specular maps have been relocated to the Red Channel on the -da texture. There is a small problem with this, because now my ships show a faint team color throughout the entire model. When i turn Team colors off then my models show no specular mapping. I almost think it may be because i have to reconvert with the new convertxsi from the 1.1 forge tools. The textures match the sins 1.1 textures as far as where team color specular, illumination etc etc are supposed to be. So far this is the only issue i have modding 1.1.